Fish Fertilizer 8-6-0 Description: - Fish fertilizer is recommended for all types of outdoor gardens & lawns. Loved by all plants, trees & shrubs, Fish fertilizer stimulates vigorous growth and deep green color in your garden, as it’s a strong source of organic nitrogen, It stimulates soil microbial life, promoting vigorous root development. It also provides an early season boost for all your plants.
Highly Recommended: - • vegetables, bulbs, roses & potted plants. • Shrubs & compost enrichment. Benefits & Gardening Tips: - • High in nitrogen for vegetative growth. • contains amino acids and fish oils which help promote beneficial soil ecosystem. • Improve soil structure. • Add to your worm bin & compost pile.
Direction of Use: - Plant Pots: Add 2 tbsp. per hole for average size pot, more for larger varieties. Mix thoroughly into soil and water in well.
Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds: New gardens – apply 1-2kg per 10 square meter and thoroughly mix into the top 10cm of soil. For new transplants, add 1-2 tbsp. per hole, mix into soil and water in well. To feed established plants, side dress 1/8-1/4cup once each month during the growing season.
Trees & Shrubs: Spread 1kg. per 5-10cm of trunk diameter around the base outwards to the drip line, mix into soil and water in well.
Containers: For new plantings, add 1-2 tbsp. per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly or add 5kg per cubic meter of soil. For established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp into the soil surface once each month during the growing season.